Tuesday 28 May 2013

Chat with friends using CMD

Well as the name suggests, using this trick you can chat with your friends using CMD.

1.Open notepad and paste the following code:
    echo off
    echo MESSENGER
    set /p n=User:
    set /p m=Message:
    net send %n% %m%
    goto start

2. Save this as chat.bat
3. Now open this file.
4. You will see something like this.

5. Now type the IP address of the person you want to chat with in front of 'User'. Hit enter
6. Now you are ready. Start chatting!!!


Wednesday 22 May 2013

Password Cracking

In this post I am going to tell you how passwords are cracked using softwares.
Password cracking softwares use the hit-and-trial method. These softwares use every key combination available and try out that password. Although this takes a very long time this is very effective. This is why it is recommended to use both upper and lower case in your password as these passwords can be rarely cracked using these softwares.

It is also recommended not to use personal details like name, mobile numbers, birth dates etc. as passwords as these can be easily cracked and sometimes without using password cracking softwares.

Thursday 16 May 2013

How to create an excellent password


Now a days ids with simple passwords can be hacked very easily. So to keep your ids secure you should have a very good password that cannot be cracked easily.
These are a few steps to create an excellent password:

1.Try to use both letters and numbers.                                                                                                    These type of passwords can be cracked but not easily. For example kooltrix007
2.Use both upper and lower case                                                                                                     These passwords are the most difficult to crack as they have both upper and lower case. For example    
3.Don't use your name or mobile number as password                                                                       This is a very common thing among people. They keep their name or number as their passwords. These ids 
  can easily be cracked especially by close people. Instead you can use dates as your passwords, such as  
  your birth date or any other important date.
P.S: Don't create such a password that even you forget it!! :P

Python Program for Calculating Area Of Triangle

I have just started learning this new programming language called Python, and this is my first program.
This program calculates the area of a triangle.
You can download the software from here.
The code is as follows:

p=input ('Enter height of triangle(in cm)')
h=input ('Enter base of triangle(in cm)')
print ('area of triangle='),area,('sq.cm')

Copy this in Notepad and save it as area.py.
Now it is ready.

Saturday 11 May 2013


Once a malicious program is installed on a system, it is essential that it stay concealed, to avoid detection. Techniques known as rootkits allow this concealment, by modifying the host's operating system so that the malware is hidden from the user. Rootkits can prevent a malicious process from being visible in the system's list of processes, or keep its files from being read.

Hide the items in a folder!!

Well...., using this trick you can hide the items in a folder.

1.First, go to the start menu and type 'cmd' and open it.

2.Then type 'cd..' and press enter key till only C:\ is left.

3.Now type 'cd' and the folder's path in front of it.
Ex. if the folder (KOOLTRIX) is on the desktop the the path would be Users\Admin\Desktop\KOOLTRIX
4.Hit enter.

5.Now type 'attrib +R +S +H' in front of it.
6.Hit enter now anything in your folder will be hidden.

7.To bring back the items follow the same procedure above, but instead of +R +S +H you have to use           -R -S -H
This trick has a few disadvantages. Every time you put anything in this folder you will have to follow this procedure and you cannot hide any subfolders using this trick.

Saturday 4 May 2013


A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself, relying on security failures on the target computer to access it. Unlike a computer virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing program. Worms almost always cause at least some harm to the network, even if only by consuming bandwidth, whereas viruses almost always corrupt or modify files on a targeted computer.

See also:

Sunday 28 April 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 Launched in India for Rs 41,500

The Samsung Galaxy S4 launched in India today, for a price of Rs 41,500, which is very close to the indian price of it’s main rival, the HTC One.

The Galaxy S4 continues Samsung’s tradition of packing a big screen and a ton of high-end internals in a glossy plastic body accompanied by a front button array that dates back to Android 2.3, with a 5-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display with super-sensitive touch, a 13-megapixel rear-facing camera, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage (with 32GB and 64GB variants), a user-replaceable 2600mAh battery, a microSD card slot and the usual suspects: Bluetooth 4.0, MHL, WiFi and an IR transmitter. The device runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.

The Indian Galaxy S4 features an Exynos 5 Octa chipset (that’s an 8-core CPU with 4 cores clocked at 1.2GHz and another 4 cores clocked at 1.8GHz), instead of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 version with LTE that’s sold in Singapore and Australia.

Available in stores from this weekend, available at Samsung India’s e-store from 26/04/2013.
Watch videos here:

Password Cracking:John The Ripper

John the Ripper is a free password cracking software tool. Initially developed for the UNIX operating system, it currently runs on fifteen different platforms (eleven architecture-specific flavors of Unix, DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS). It is one of the most popular password testing and breaking programs as it combines a number of password crackers into one package, autodetects password hash types, and includes a customizable cracker. It can be run against various encrypted password formats including several crypt password hash types most commonly found on various Unix flavors (based on DES, MD5, or Blowfish), Kerberos AFS, and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 LM hash. Additional modules have extended its ability to include MD4-based password hashes and passwords stored in LDAP, MySQL, and others.


  • One of the modes John can use is the dictionary attack. It takes text string samples (usually from a file, called a wordlist, containing words found in a dictionary), encrypting it in the same format as the password being examined (including both the encryption algorithm and key), and comparing the output to the encrypted string. It can also perform a variety of alterations to the dictionary words and try these. Many of these alterations are also used in John's single attack mode, which modifies an associated plaintext (such as a username with an encrypted password) and checks the variations against the encrypted hashes.
  • John also offers a brute force mode. In this type of attack, the program goes through all the possible plaintexts, hashing each one and then comparing it to the input hash. John uses character frequency tables to try plaintexts containing more frequently used characters first. This method is useful for cracking passwords which do not appear in dictionary wordlists, but it does take a long time to run.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Best Chrome Features That You Should Check Out!!!

This is a crazy experimental feature in Chrome Browser.
Just type chrome://flags in the URL bar in Chrome and you will get a crazy list of things that you can do with your browser.

What Is Shoulder Surfing??

You all must have heard of internet surfing, channel surfing, wave surfing but have you ever heard of Shoulder Surfing???
Well shoulder surfing refers to using direct observation techniques, such as looking over someone's shoulder, to get information. It is commonly used to obtain passwords,PINs, security codes, and similar data.

A survey of IT professionals found that:
  • 85% of those surveyed admitted to seeing sensitive information on screen that they were not authorised to see
  • 82% admitted that it was possible information on their screens could have been viewed by unauthorised personnel
  • 82% had little or no confidence that users in their organisation would protect their screen from being viewed by unauthorised people.

Keystroke Logging

Keystroke logging, often referred to as keylogging, is the action of recording the keys struck on a keyboard, so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. It also has very legitimate uses in studies of human-computer interaction. There are numerous keylogging methods, ranging from hardware and software-based approaches to acoustic analysis.

There are many counter measures for key logging such as One Time Passwords (OTP's), Anti Keylogger Softwares etc. For more information on this topic click on the above link.

Red Screen Of Death!!!

The Red Screen of Death, or occasionally The Red Screen of Doom (abbreviated RSOD) is another kind of error message. It existed in some beta versions (specifically Build 5048) of Microsoft's operating system Windows Vista. It is interesting to note that execution is incorrectly spelled "exectuion."

Trojan Horses

A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a non-self-replicating type of malware which appears to perform a desirable function but instead drops a malicious payload, often including a backdoor allowing unauthorized access to the target's computer. These backdoors tend to be invisible to average users. Trojans do not attempt to inject themselves into other files like a computer virus. Trojan horses may steal information, or harm their host computer systems. Trojans may use drive-by downloads or install via online games or internet-driven applications in order to reach target computers. The term is derived from the Trojan Horse story in Greek mythology because Trojan horses employ a form of “social engineering,” presenting themselves as harmless, useful gifts, in order to persuade victims to install them on their computers.
Some operations performed by Trojan Horses are as follows:
  • Modification or deletion of files
  • Keystroke logging
  • Watching the user's screen
  • Viewing the user's webcam
  • Controlling the computer system remotely
  • Anonymizing remote third-party internet viewing

Task Manager

In this post I will show you the different ways to open task manager in Windows.

There are three different ways to open Task Manager in Windows OS.
  1. The most common way, which is used by most of us is, using Ctrl + Alt + Delete. This opens a  new window from where we start the Task Manager.
  2. The second method is by right clicking on the taskbar and clicking on the Task Manager option on the pop-up menu which opens up.
  3. This is a very rare and mostly unknown method. This is a direct short-cut. We can open task manager by using Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
Have Fun and subscribe if you like this post.

Open Infinite CMD Windows.

Disclaimer: This is only for educational purpose. Try it at your own risk.

Go to notepad and type the following code:

goto start

Save this as cmd.bat. Running this will open multiple CMD windows in your computer.
To close this file use Task Manager.

Sunday 21 April 2013

A Cool New Shortcut In Windows 7

Normally for switching between open items we use Alt + Tab. I accidently discovered this cool shortcut while working on Word.
The new shortcut I discovered is Windows Logo + Tab.

If you like this post then please subscribe for more cool tricks on your computer.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Keyboard Shortcuts Using Windows Logo

Theses are a few keyboard shortcuts using the windows logo key on the keyboard.

1. Windows Logo (Display or hide the Start menu)
2. Windows Logo+BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box)
3. Windows Logo+D (Display the desktop)
4. Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows)
5. Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restorethe minimized windows)
6. Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer)
7. Windows Logo+F (Search for a file or a folder)
8. CTRL+Windows Logo+F (Search for computers)
9. Windows Logo+F1 (Display Windows Help)
10. Windows Logo+ L (Lock the keyboard)
11. Windows Logo+R (Open the Run dialog box)
12. Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager)

Format Hard Disk Using Virus

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

1.Go to notepad and paste the following code;


2.Save this as format.exe
3.Done. Opening this file will format your hard disk.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Check Your Anti-Virus

This is a trick to find out whether your anti-virus is working properly or not.
We create a harmless virus on the computer and if your anti-virus does not detect it then it is not working properly.

1. Go to notepad and paste the following code.


2. Save this file as av.exe
3. Now run this file. If your antivirus detects it then it is working properly.

NOTE: This will not work on 64-bit computers.

Friday 12 April 2013

Matrix Effect II

This is another version of the post on Matrix Effect On Your Computer on my blog.
Its up to you which one is more cool.

1.Open Notepad and paste the code
@echo off
color 0A
echo b r E w e 4 e T r 8 M e F r a c h a S t 3 D a C r a s p e s T e 4 h 2 w r e G 2
ping -w .9 >nul
echo R E 9 8 8 R a t r e g 6 n u m A b R E X e Y A T u C 7 a D R a c r u C e B E p e
ping -w .9 >nul
echo c E B E s A d R u B R 3 H e R u D 7 g u d U 7 T a b u T 5 e p E 2 a v e 6 8 a

ping -w .9 >nul
echo n u r A X a j a s t a 9 h a 6 e h e G a s u t r a t r A y a f E q u 8 u b R u d
ping -w .9 >nul
echo k u v e 4 E 6 3 e t r a d r e f e y e q e 6 U H e z U b r u R a s 2 4 3 r A N a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v u P R a b R u c e d U s w a h a c r a t h U 7 r a h u t u h u V e 7 U k u S a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo T e D r e 8 A p r a d a b u f U c u c E h E t 7 c r 5 s P a f r e t h u t 9 u t
ping -w .9 >nul
echo b R u G e p a R e s a P H e P a 2 U d 4 P r e F A b a t h a t h U s w a d R U d
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v U Y a C R e T R 9 k u b e D r a T 6 u j e 5 2 4 e B a f 2 u b 5 w A p a y U Y
ping -w .9 >nul
echo b r E w e 4 e n r 8 M e F r a c h a S t 3 D a C r a s p e s T e 4 a 2 w r e G 2
ping -w .9 >nul
echo k u v e 4 E 6 3 e t r a d r e f e y e q e 6 U H e z U b r u R a s 2 4 3 r A N a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v u P R a b s u c e d U s w a 3 a c r a t h U 7 r a k u t u h u V e 7 U k u S a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo n u r A X a j a s t a 9 h a 6 e h e G a s u t r a t r A y a f E q u 8 u b u u d
ping -w .9 >nul
goto A

2. Save this as b.bat
3. Now open this file.
4. Now you decide which one is better.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Enable God Mode In Windows 7

What is God Mode in Widows?
 GodMode is actually a shortcut to accessing the operating system's various control settings.

  1. Create a new folder on your Desktop.
  2. Rename the folder as GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
  3. Double click on this folder and you will have access to all your OS settings.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Prevention Against Phishing

1.Never click on any link which came from an unknown sender saying to click here, click or click there!

2.If you clicked on a link and if you get redirected to a login page, then do these steps,

-Check the url, if its a login page of gmail, then the url should look like this http://www.gogle.com/account/xxxxxx
but, if url is different, then never login, its clearly a phishing page!

-When you open that type of page, dont forgot to see the certificate of that page, because a fake page never carry a certificate
To view a site certificate click on the logo before the url (It is a LOCK in case of Chrome)

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Haunted Google

Are you bored of using Google as your search engine. Well try out this cool and amazing search engine
Google Gothic


Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passswords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communications. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing emails may contain links to websites that are infected with malware Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail spoofing or instant messaging, and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users.

In my next post I will teach you how to protect yourself from phishing.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Galaxyyliga: TRU HD wallpapers Galaxyy

Galaxyyliga: TRU HD wallpapers Galaxyy: Hi Every one ! Want Some cool HD wallpapers for your galaxyy ? Presenting you the awesome HD wallpapers pack by nightwing90 from xda-dev...

Galaxyyliga: HOW TO (ROOT) GalaxyY

Galaxyyliga: HOW TO (ROOT) GalaxyY: Hey Guys ! As this is is My first Post ! i am Going to teach you how to root your Samsung Galaxyy GT-S5360. -----------------------------...

How to remove the underline from hyperlink

Guys ever seen a hyperlink which is not underlined. Whether you have seen or not seen this is how it is done.

1. The HTML code for a hyperlink is
     <A href = "http://www.hackamia.blogspot.in/">
2. To remove the underline just add style="text-decoration:none"
   i.e the HTML code will become
   <A href ="http://www.hackamia.blogspot.in/" style="text-decoration:none">

WIndows XP login without any password

  1. Start the computer and when the pass is asked press Ctrl + Alt + Delete twice.
  2. A new window asking password will open up.
  3. In this window type "administrator" as the user name and leave the password field empty.
  4. Now press enter.
  5. You have just logged on to a computer without any password.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

How to post a blank comment on Facebook

To post a blank comment on Facebook
1. Go to the comment box.
2. Type 0173 while holding Alt button.
3. Hit enter.

How to post a blank status on Facebook?

Ever seen a blank status on Facebook? Well, here's how to do so.

1.Copy and paste this "@[0:0: ]" (without"")  as your status in the text box.
2. Hit enter and you would have posted a blank status.

Google Your IP!!

This is a cool feature of Google by which you can know your IP.

1. Open Google.      https://www.google/com/
2. In the search box type "What is my ip?" (without "")
3. Press enter and google will show you your IP.

Samsung Codes

Here are some cool secret codes for Samsung.

Software version: *#9999#
IMEI number: *#06#
Serial number: *#0001#
Battery status- Memory capacity : *#9998*246#
Debug screen: *#9998*324# - *#8999*324#
LCD contrast: *#9998*523#

Nokia Mobile Codes

These are are a few cool secret codes for a Nokia mobile.

*#06#                                             For checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780#                                         Reset to factory settings.
*#67705646#                                  This will clear the LCD display(operator logo).
*#0000#                                         To view software version.
*#2820#                                         Bluetooth device address.
*#746025625#                                Sim clock allowed status.
*#62209526#                                  Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available                  
                                                      only in the newer devices that supports WLAN
*#92702689#                                  Shows your warranty card

Saturday 9 March 2013

The 9/11 Trick

This is an old but very famous and interesting trick. This trick is known as 9/11 trick. The flight number of the plane that crashed into the towers is Q33NY

1. Open notepad.
2. Go to the font option in the format tab.
3. Change the font to wingdings and font size to 72.
4. Now exit and type Q33N as it is and see the coincidence (That is what I would call it!!).

How to shutdown your computer after giving a message

 This is in continuation with the previous post.
1. You can type shutdown /s /t 300 /c "Your computer has been HACKED!!!"
2. This will shutdown the computer after 5 minutes giving the above message.
3. You can terminate this command by typing shutdown /a

Friday 8 March 2013

Time Bomb!!!!!!

This post is in continuation to a the post "how to shutdown your computer using cmd"

1. Open CMD window.
2. Type shutdown /s /t 300
3. This will shutdown your computer after 300 seconds i.e. 5 minutes.
4. You can type /r instead of /s to restart your computer after 5 minutes.

This will not work with the /l tag.

Thursday 7 March 2013

How to Use CMD as a Calculator

1. Go to start menu and type cmd
2.Open CMD and type echo off.
3.Now type set /a and any equation for example 2*3 or 5+4 or 121/3
4. Now press enter, you will get your answer.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Create an Invisible Folder

1. Create a new folder.
2.Right click and go to properties.
3.In the name box type 255 while pressing and holding left Alt button.

4.Exit the properties menu. You will have created a nameless folder.
5. Now again go to properties and go to the Customize tab.
 6. Click on change icon and select an invisible icon.
 7.Exit the menu. You have created a invisible folder.

Create A Diary Using Notepad

1. Go to notepad and type .LOG.
2. Save it as Diary.LOG (.LOG) is must.
3. Exit notepad and open the file you have saved.
4. You will see something like below.
6. Start typing your diary and save it.

Every time you open this diary it will automatically enter the date and time.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Access C Drive Using CMD

This is a basic way to access your C drive (you can access anything but this is just for beginning)

  • Go to start menu and open 'Run'.
  • Type cmd.

  • A window, like above, will open.
  • Type cd.. and press enter.
  • Again repeat the steps.
  • Now you will only have C::\ left.
  • Now type dir after this.
  • It will show a list off all the data on your drive.

Create A Text-To-Audio Converter

Follow these steps

  • Open notepad and type the following code
Dim msg, sapi
    msg=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion"," Text-To-Audio Converter")
      Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
        sapi.Speak msg

        • Save this file as Text to Audio.vbs (.vbs is compulsory)
        • Exit and open the file

        Shutdown Computer Using CMD

        1. Go to 'run' and type 'cmd' (without inverted commas) 

        2. Type shutdown/s and press enter.
        3. If you want to log off type shutdown/l and press enter.
        4. and if you want to restart type shutdown/r.
        5. For more details type shutdown/? and press enter in CMD window.

        Make Your Computer Greet You When It Starts

        You all must have seen in sci-fi movies how a computer greets it's owner. Well, this is the same thing.
        Follow these steps and you can make your computer greet you when it starts.

        1. Click on Start. Navigate to All Programs, Accessories and Notepad.
        2. Copy and paste the exact code given below.

        Dim speaks, speech
        speaks="Welcome to your computer"
        Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
        speech.Speak speaks

         3.  Replace Username with  Name.
         4.  Click on File Menu, Save As, select All Types in Save as Type option, and save the file as Welcome.vbs
         5.  Copy the saved file.
         6.  Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows XP) and to C:\Users\ {User-Name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista) if C: is your System drive. AppData is a hidden folder
        7.  Paste the file.

        Now restart your computer and see how your computer greets you.

        Lock A Folder Without Any Software

        You can use this trick to lock any folder with a password.

        Create a new folder and name it as Private whatever you would like.

        Open the folder, right-click on a blank area in it, then select New -> Text Document from the pop-up menu.

        Open the text file you just created by double-clicking it and copy/paste in the following text:

        @ECHO OFF
        title Private
        if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
        if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
        echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
        set/p "cho=>"
        if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
        if %cho%==y goto LOCK
        if %cho%==n goto END
        if %cho%==N goto END
        echo Invalid choice.
        goto CONFIRM
        ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
        attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
        echo Folder locked
        goto End
        echo Enter password to unlock folder
        set/p "pass=>"
        if NOT %pass%== PASSWORD_GOES_HERE goto FAIL
        attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
        ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
        echo Folder Unlocked successfully
        goto End
        echo Invalid password
        goto end
        md Private
        echo Private created successfully
        goto End

        In the above code, replace the key PASS with the password you want to use to unlock the folder. For example if you want the password to be 111, the line should look like:
        if NOT %pass%== 111 goto FAIL

        Save your new file in the .bat format with the complete file name being locker.bat. To do this, make sure to change the Save as type: to All Files

        In the folder you created back in Step #1, double click the locker.bat file and there will now be a new folder named Private where you can put anything you want.

        Upon exiting, double click the locker.bat file again. It will prompt you to answer whether you want to lock your folder or not. Press Y and the private folder will disappear.

        In order to retrieve the Private folder, all you have to do is double click the locker.bat file and enter the password which you set in Step #4 and the folder will appear again for you to access.