Tuesday 28 May 2013

Chat with friends using CMD

Well as the name suggests, using this trick you can chat with your friends using CMD.

1.Open notepad and paste the following code:
    echo off
    echo MESSENGER
    set /p n=User:
    set /p m=Message:
    net send %n% %m%
    goto start

2. Save this as chat.bat
3. Now open this file.
4. You will see something like this.

5. Now type the IP address of the person you want to chat with in front of 'User'. Hit enter
6. Now you are ready. Start chatting!!!


Wednesday 22 May 2013

Password Cracking

In this post I am going to tell you how passwords are cracked using softwares.
Password cracking softwares use the hit-and-trial method. These softwares use every key combination available and try out that password. Although this takes a very long time this is very effective. This is why it is recommended to use both upper and lower case in your password as these passwords can be rarely cracked using these softwares.

It is also recommended not to use personal details like name, mobile numbers, birth dates etc. as passwords as these can be easily cracked and sometimes without using password cracking softwares.

Thursday 16 May 2013

How to create an excellent password


Now a days ids with simple passwords can be hacked very easily. So to keep your ids secure you should have a very good password that cannot be cracked easily.
These are a few steps to create an excellent password:

1.Try to use both letters and numbers.                                                                                                    These type of passwords can be cracked but not easily. For example kooltrix007
2.Use both upper and lower case                                                                                                     These passwords are the most difficult to crack as they have both upper and lower case. For example    
3.Don't use your name or mobile number as password                                                                       This is a very common thing among people. They keep their name or number as their passwords. These ids 
  can easily be cracked especially by close people. Instead you can use dates as your passwords, such as  
  your birth date or any other important date.
P.S: Don't create such a password that even you forget it!! :P